Is it possible? survive, conquer AND enjoy? YES!
Follow these easy tips:
1- EAT! Yes! start with breakfast & don’t think fasting all day will “make room” or allow you to eat more for your Thanksgiving meal Eat all your regular meals and keep your metabolism roaring ready to take on your Thanksgiving turkey!
2- DRINK WATER! pack a water bottle to take to mom’s for dinner! keep it at hand and take a drink, fill it back up and repeat! Before you are ready to eat or snack try to finish a bottle 🙂
3- Stay active: running to the grocery store, squats taking things in and out of the oven, a long walk down the street because there was no parking- It ALL counts! If you can fit in a walk, workout or trip to the gym- great! if not, keep moving to keep your calorie burn up (or at least normal!)
4- Load up on veggies first! Take a plate and fill your plate 2/3 with veggies & 1/3 with protein. Ditch the chips & bread as appetizers and break out the veggies & hummus!
5- don’t go for seconds- take a break and have the next plate as your next meal! wait an hour or 2 and have your next meal!
6- pack dessert for the next day! Yup, how about some pie tomorrow morning? allowing you the WHOLE day to burn it off, resist the urge to keep all the desserts out in front of you as late night talks begins.
7- don’t forget to chew- I promise, no one will steal that piece of turkey from under your nose, take your time eating! Chew! Enjoy each bit & listen to the cues from your body and when you are full- stop!
8- INDULGE! Yes! I mean it! choose 1-2 things you MUST have and enjoy them! serve yourself 1 serving size of that thing and enjoy every bite, whether its “clean” or not- allow yourself to indulge, but plan before you sit down or else you might OVER-indulge 🙂
I will be enjoying a piece of pumpkin pie tonight! What do you plan on indulging in? Happy Thanksgiving!