Posts Tagged weight loss

My journey to fitness part 2! Where do I start?

Its been 8 weeks tonight since I had my baby boy. I’ve been cleared by my doc and I’m ready to run! I’ve been upping my workouts and intensity slowly, but now I am ready! Now where do I start? As a fitness coach I am asked this question A LOT and being on this side of the journey (again) I know EXACTLY how it feels!
Where do I begin? How can I do this? CAN I do this? Is it possible?! questioning myself and double thinking my ability to meet my goals is normal, its human-BUT- its what you do from here that counts! I will not let it stop me! So back to the question- where do I start?!
To answer this I will reflect on the last time I started my journey, before becoming pregnant with Ezekiel I had logged in a 75lb loss and I started that journey horribly! I spent countless hours working out, was at the gym daily, was pushing myself more then ever before- but was getting zero results! Because my nutrition was what needed adjusting. Its easy to sweat, we all know how to workout- but we don’t know how to eat, or should I say- how to eat CLEAN! So I will be spending the next month focusing on clean eating and I have a goal of reducing my weight by 15lbs! yes! My goal is drop 15lbs in a month-impossible? we’ll see! Will you join me? I’d like to have you on this journey with me! I will be hosting an Eat Clean & Get Lean challenge- you want in? please post here & like my page on Facebook
Be checking this blog & my facebook page for more details to come and for updates on my journey! I’d love to hear from you! please comment below!

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Who are your cheerleaders? The importance of a support team, starting with YOU!

A cheerleader is someone who is supporting you on your journey to clean eating and overall health & fitness. Who are yours? Who is supporting you, cheering you on? Who is out there emailing you ideas to try? inviting you to a workout, a hike, a walk? Who is always telling you that you are looking leaner? Who is asking how your journey is going? In order to succeed we need to have at least 1 or 2 main cheerleaders to help us keep on going when the tough gets going.

What if you don’t have any other cheerleaders? I’m sure you do and just don’t realize it! In order for them to cheer they need to know what your goals are so they CAN cheer you on! Share your goals with someone today & ask for there support! A cheerleader might be a co-worker you ask to help you make good choices when you go out to eat. Or a parent you call and share your goals with. A cheerleader might be your own brain who instead of giving you any negative feedback, you decide today I will talk to myself in a positive way that will push me to keep going forward- have a serious talk with yourself- I’m dead serious! If you don’t think you can accomplish your own goals, you WILL NOT! Tell yourself right now that you can do this, tell yourself your goals (out loud) & tell yourself that you need to keep pushing yourself when you feel like giving up. Once your own head is part of the cheerleader squad- you will begin to do amazing things!

So what are your goals? How far have you come?! I want to be your cheerleader, but I too need to know what to cheer for! 🙂 Please share your goals with me in the comments below or feel free to email me at I’d love to personally coach you to you goals!

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Join My November Eat Clean & Get Lean Challenge!


Interested? Go to for more information and to sign up!

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Party at my place- tomorrow!

Join me tomorrow- Saturday, May 15th @4pm

I feel like I can say this through my experience with fat loss- small changes CAN equal BIG results! Since I started my personal journey to fitness I have lost nearly 70lbs.
I did not see any movement in my weight at the beginning of my journey UNTIL I made small changes to my nutrition. So I thought I’d have a party to help explain to you the small changes you can impliment in your daily nutrition to help you reach your fitness goals. Whether you want to get more toned, lose 50lbs or wanna get rid of that muffin top you CANNOT get there without addressing your nutrition!
Please join me as I present to you some simple tips and even invite you to join me during my personal “detox”. We will do this together and there is absolutely NO financial obligation whatsoever. I simply want to see your smile when you get your results you’ve always desired and be a small part of your journey.
Oh, and if you are curious about fitness programs to help you reach your goals through exercise (which BTW- nutrition and excercise go together!) I will be showing some clips from my upcoming workout challenge- Let me know if you want to be part of it!

Your Coach,
Rossy Ruppe

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Why it’s important to take a before picture

Everything has a beginning, every book, every life, every journey. There is always a start. Your fitness journey will/or did also. Do you have a before picture? Do you have a physical way to remember the way you were before? Do you have a way to visually measure and see the difference your efforts have made? I can personally tell you that having that before picture makes all the difference when you’re busting your butt or when you feel like you are spinning your wheels for nothing, or when that plate of cookies looks so yummy. Empower yourself with a before picture today. Go find those jeans that you keep avoiding to get rid of because you WILL fit in them one day. Put them on, even if they only pull up to your knees and take a picture. Use your phone, no one else has to see it. It exists to empower you and to help you see the changes when you feel hopeless or like you want to give up.
my before picture:
I’m not proud of the way I look here. This was taken May of 2008 and I am 201 lbs here. I had my baby girl in March of 2008 and well ya know I’ve already been on this soap box. But something about this picture- it now lives on every one of my business cards I hand out. My 19 month old daughter held my business card and pointed at my current picture and said “Mommy!” then I asked her who was in my before picture. She stared at it, then shrugged her shoulders and said “I dunno!”. Wow, my baby doesn’t know that woman, and I never want her to.

My current picture:
60lbs lost and feeling like a rockstar!

So I never thought I’d EVER post pictures of myself anywhere, let alone the internet- where ANYONE can see them. I’m kinda a private person, but I have learned the benefit of taking and posting my before and current pictures.
I had initially resisted because i thought it would be so embarrassing for people to see me especially in a bikini. And its online so my nephews or my pastor or my husbands co-workers could see them! But I did it, i took a leap of faith and I did it because I realize two things. 1-People needed to see the change and 2-I needed to see it too.
You can tell people all you want about the benefits of getting fit or how awesome a workout is or how eating clean makes you feel, but when it comes down to it, when I slap down my business card with my pictures on them thats when I get a response. They can see the change. I wholeheartily agree that the change inside is soo much greater then what can be seen outside, but what I display outside is my only way to communicate the wonderful changes inside. I have blogged before of how I felt physically and emotionally before the fat loss, but no words can really do them justice so I can give you my pictures.
In seeing the responses and people telling me how motivating my success was being for them, I became a believer in posting pictures.

We are the only one who is with ouorselves every minute of the day. We are the ones who see ourselves in the mirror, we are the ones who can feel that bulge over our pants when we sit. We are the ones who notice the jiggly or bumpy or whatever on ourselves. Something I noticed is that the self critiquing, though is lessens and the focus shifts, it’s still there. I don’t hate myself anymore. I don’t get depressed and cry endlessly because nothing will zip or sit right, but It is so easy for me to feel like I am back at square one and feel like I look yucky because that old fat Rossy is still in there deep inside and she tries to come out and bring new Rossy down and she is so sly sometimes. But I am empowered with that before picture. I know I am a different woman now, because I can see it!

Well? Go take your picture! You’ll be so happy you did!

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