Posts Tagged challenge

Focus T25 Challenge: August 5!


Let’s face it, for some of us getting to the gym is difficult if just not in the cards right now. There’s a shortage of time already. We still have goals and dreams in regards to our fitness–but life has a flavor of craziness right now. This is where Focus T25 can come in & change your life! This program was designed by Shawn T (creator of Insanity, Hip Hop Abs–yeah, ya know him!) to take your workout into “let’s get this done, I man business and I don’t have an extra second to waste” mode!

So here is my challenge to you:
Join me, starting on August 5th to begin & complete the Focus T25 program! We will daily keep each other going & push each other to really work for our goals that we share. We will be posting our workouts, our meals, there will be weigh-ins, and tons of motivation & support over on Facebook. The commitment is to follow the complete program, meals & workouts–which are 25 minutes each and 5 days a week (COME ON! You CAN do that!).
So, are you in? Are you ready? If you want to join us please comment on this post here or Like/comment on Facebook & share it on your wall so that the word gets out to people who might want to join us!

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Turbo Fire 5-day inferno Day 1

I am an all or nothing type of person, it has ruined me in the past when I’d start something and think…ah, I’ll RE-start on monday. When it comes to my nutrition I have had to really reprogram myself, BUT when it comes to challenges it truly helps me PUSH myself like never before.

Today I started the TurboFire 5-day Inferno a 5 day meal plan and workout plan that promises you will lose 10lbs or 10″ in 5 days, well I believe it! I had the honor of being selected and participate in this program’s test group and I personally lost 5lbs and 10″ now I’m at it again, to see what this 5-day inferno can do to my post preggo body. I am now approaching 9 weeks since the birth of my son and I have about 25lbs to go to reach my pre-pregnancy weight.
Here is my starting picture….I’m not proud of this picture whatsoever!

well, here we go!

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My journey to fitness part 2! Where do I start?

Its been 8 weeks tonight since I had my baby boy. I’ve been cleared by my doc and I’m ready to run! I’ve been upping my workouts and intensity slowly, but now I am ready! Now where do I start? As a fitness coach I am asked this question A LOT and being on this side of the journey (again) I know EXACTLY how it feels!
Where do I begin? How can I do this? CAN I do this? Is it possible?! questioning myself and double thinking my ability to meet my goals is normal, its human-BUT- its what you do from here that counts! I will not let it stop me! So back to the question- where do I start?!
To answer this I will reflect on the last time I started my journey, before becoming pregnant with Ezekiel I had logged in a 75lb loss and I started that journey horribly! I spent countless hours working out, was at the gym daily, was pushing myself more then ever before- but was getting zero results! Because my nutrition was what needed adjusting. Its easy to sweat, we all know how to workout- but we don’t know how to eat, or should I say- how to eat CLEAN! So I will be spending the next month focusing on clean eating and I have a goal of reducing my weight by 15lbs! yes! My goal is drop 15lbs in a month-impossible? we’ll see! Will you join me? I’d like to have you on this journey with me! I will be hosting an Eat Clean & Get Lean challenge- you want in? please post here & like my page on Facebook
Be checking this blog & my facebook page for more details to come and for updates on my journey! I’d love to hear from you! please comment below!

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Join My November Eat Clean & Get Lean Challenge!


Interested? Go to for more information and to sign up!

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90-days to a leaner and happier version of you!

Check out this video clip :

It’s all about Chalean Extreme, this will be my next challenge starting Saturday, May 22nd- where we will be meeting together to measure and weigh in and take the fit test! First workout will take place the following saturday, May 29th. If you want to join us either in person or from your living room order your copy of Chalean Extreme NOW and start working out with me starting Saturday, May 29th! We will be working out together every saturday for a total of 90 days and you can be following along no matter how close or far you live! We will keep each other accountable and fired up to keep going! Will you join me?!

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Health & Wellness Party wrap up

Couldn’t make it to the party? Well, I’m gonna bring the party to you!! I know that things come up, or maybe you live 5 states away, but regardless I still would love to help you achieve your fitness goals! Thats exactly why I had this party at my place to help YOU make small changes to your nutrition to get BIG results!

So here is what we went over! Click here for the document I created that explains the small changes I personally used as I began my personal journey to fitness that made the BIGGEST impact on my weight loss!

Next I shared this document about tools that can help you reach your goals.

Lastly I also invited everyone to join me for my Eat Clean & Get Lean Challenge! Challenge will begin on Saturday, May 22nd 2010. Next post tomorrow will have ALL the info about this! Please come back and hear ALL about the exciting challenge I have in store just for YOU and together we WILL FINALLY achieve the results you have been dreaming about! So what’s stopping you?! LET’S DO THIS!

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Party at my place- tomorrow!

Join me tomorrow- Saturday, May 15th @4pm

I feel like I can say this through my experience with fat loss- small changes CAN equal BIG results! Since I started my personal journey to fitness I have lost nearly 70lbs.
I did not see any movement in my weight at the beginning of my journey UNTIL I made small changes to my nutrition. So I thought I’d have a party to help explain to you the small changes you can impliment in your daily nutrition to help you reach your fitness goals. Whether you want to get more toned, lose 50lbs or wanna get rid of that muffin top you CANNOT get there without addressing your nutrition!
Please join me as I present to you some simple tips and even invite you to join me during my personal “detox”. We will do this together and there is absolutely NO financial obligation whatsoever. I simply want to see your smile when you get your results you’ve always desired and be a small part of your journey.
Oh, and if you are curious about fitness programs to help you reach your goals through exercise (which BTW- nutrition and excercise go together!) I will be showing some clips from my upcoming workout challenge- Let me know if you want to be part of it!

Your Coach,
Rossy Ruppe

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